Monday, January 27, 2020

Body memory work

So I started talking to Shad today about how come he seems to be getting a lot of working lately, and he expressed this: ‘I have always wanted money so that I can feel safe and secure.  When I had money I would still worry about when I wouldn't have anymore.  I healed the piece around not feeling safe and secure an now it's starting to flow in with out me even trying.  I have always chased money away in the past because of the neediness I had towards it.’ It made We think about the work Ryan and I each did with Wendeya and how I felt safe in my body for the first time afterwards. I feel like I don’t have a blockage towards money and earning it now and I think that what Shad said is exactly why. I’m excited to see what’s in store and what I can create. It also makes me really wish the same feeling and breakthroughs for my sisters, especially Katie.